Monday, June 30, 2008

Bug to the nano

Tata Nano has truly scored on pricing & features. But if automotive history is anything to go by, it would need an exceptionally innovative advertising strategy to sustain

In 1931, Dr. Porsche designed a small car in Stuttgart, Germany. Hitler had ordered the best cars to be made ready for the 1938 car exhibition in Berlin. He specified that the cars be small, inexpensive and fast – suitable for the new roads being built in Germany. It was exactly seven decades ago that the car appeared on German roads. This car was later on launched in America, which was recovering from the war and rebuilding its consumer society. This car from Germany, which looked like an orthopaedic boot designed by Hitler, could not have come to America at a worse time. No one wanted anything associated with Hitler. Then the pied piper of creativity appeared, and did miracles for the car. This man knew the people were ready & waiting for something to get excited about. Someone needed to show them how. He created an advertisement for the car, which is considered by many as the best in the history of advertising. While all other cars were showcased in lush settings with beautiful models, here stood a tiny car – unadorned, untouched – in black and white. A simple headline of two words “Think Small” and the Beetle became the new symbol of a whole generation. The man – William Bernbach – had created an icon.A few days back, when Ratan Tata unveiled the Nano and gave the world its first Rs.1 lakh car, he once again fired the imagination of the automotive industry the world over. “A promise is a promise,” said Ratan Tata, at the launch of the world’s cheapest car. However, a great car is more than just price and features. It’s all about creating an impact. Yes, the “Nano” with its unbelievable pricing, has succeeded in creating a buzz, but great advertising and positioning is what is going to help it sustain in this extremely competitive area. A whole lot of small and midsize car manufacturers are already queuing up with their wares on the Indian shores. Those here are reworking their prices too. Maruti 800 will soon offer its basic version at Rs.1.8 lakhs (ex-showroom price). The Beetle, Volkswagen’s iconic car is going the hit the Indian roads too, sometime in May this year. We do hope Nano has some great ideas stashed up, to help it stay ahead.

Marketing miracle
Yes, it was a marketing and advertising miracle that made the Beetle a symbol of the 1960’s “flower generation.” It used the same theme (albeit after a little modification) to relaunch the car in 1970’s and 80’s. “Ugly but it gets you there,” won the Beetle a 15% market share. O&M devised a marketing strategy on the concept, “Isn’t that what you’d expect from a VW” and created a powerful branding around the VW family.In March 1998, when Volkswagen started marketing the New Beetle, its advertising campaign aimed at helping people connect to a happier past of the 1960’s.The commercial entitled “Soul” promised that “If you sold your soul in the 80’s here’s your chance to buy it back” and the commercial entitled “flower” simply declared “less flower, more power.” A heavy dose of nostalgia, which worked well for the Beetle.Car buying has got a lot to do with perception and image. Car makers are working hard to portray the right image of their cars and make them more compatible and more “today.” Toyota, for long, has been known as the dependable one. It now wants to shake-off that image & become more sporty and sexy. Honda’s conservatism doesn’t seem to work well anymore. It’s trying to become more adventurous. Jaguar needed new designing or else it would have become a nostalgic brand. Mercedes is trying hard but it still lacks the glamour of a Bentley. Times are changing and automakers need to change too, if they want to remain in the race.

Perception – the key to success
It’s all about communicating – and communicating well. The one car that seems to have mastered the art is Ford. According to a survey done in America, 16% of teenagers wanted a Ford for their first car – the highest percentage compared to other makes. They may have ranked a Merc or a Lexus as the best, but Ford had very successfully convinced them and their parents that this was the most solid, reliable & above all affordable car for the teenagers.Perceptions play an important role in influencing customer purchase behaviour. Korea’s Hyundai entered the US market with cars that were plagued with problems. Chinese cars, too, face the same problem of being perceived as not being up to the mark in terms of safety & reliability. However, a sole Chinese automaker displayed his silver sedan bang outside the main showroom of Detroit’s Auto Show, sending a signal to the world that Chinese cars are as good as the best in the market. Chrysler is perceived as a company that makes great looking vehicles, but is behind competition in terms of technology & quality. To change this, it changed its tagline to “Engineered Beautifully”, with the television commercials showing all the technological innovations. The Camry, on the other hand, has been the best selling sedan in the United States for the past eight or nine years. It’s perceived as the most reliable car, making every car manufacturer aim directly at it. GM has come out with a drastically restyled Chevrolet Malibu, pitching it directly against Camry. Honda, Chrysler too are making sedans to attack Camry’s market.Advertising can change perceptions, create new perceptions and the one who advertises intelligently scores. Not surprising then, that Toyota, the market leader, accounts for 30% of the total ad-spend by vehicle manufacturers, and in return, rules 25% of the new car market. Performance and features are surely strong selling points, but you can’t ever doubt the impact of advertising.

New ways new times
Times are changing, consumers and their buying habits and patterns are changing too. With a plethora of new models in the market, the generic benefits like fuel efficiency etc., hardly claim to be distinguishing factors between car models. It’s advertising that provides the differentiation and positions the cars. The “Josh Machine” gave Ford Ikon a unique positioning. Santro entered the market by positioning itself as the family car. Then it evolved into the “Sunshine Car.” It used the “Sunshine-Bollywood-stars” Shah Rukh & Preity Zinta to make the car more young & glamorous. Maruti’s “Count on us” slogan gave it the tag of “Mr. Dependable.”Not just advertisements, you need to constantly innovate your marketing strategies to stay in-sync with the times. Mahindra and Mahindra unveiled its four-wheel drive vehicle, the Quadro, which could be booked on the Internet. Targeted at the up-market, young-at-heart clientele, the Quadro could be customised on the net, where one could select accessories etc.Movies for long have worked wonderfully in building and promoting car brands. Remember movies like Love Bug, and the more recent one Herbie: Fully Loaded, which had the Beetle as the hero of the films, making it more popular & likeable. The movie Road helped re-launch Tata Safari. Ta Ra Rum Pum was probably a movie made to promote brands. Goodyear, General Motors and Castrol all starred in the forgettable film. So marketing of cars is getting more & more exciting. A car is today a way of expressing who you are and advertisements today play a very important role in helping build the right image. The spanking new “Nano” needs to build its image very carefully. This is one of the strongest factors that will decide its success or failure in the long run. Don’t forget, it’s advertising that made the most hated car in Germany, a craze in the US. Being pushed as the “people’s car” by Hitler in Germany associated strong negative connotations that lasted more than half a century, while it became iconic and the Love Bug, the Herbie of America. It’s advertising that made this ugly duckling survive, even after being pitted against sleek compact Japanese, European & American cars.You need to associate your car with the right emotions, the right sentiments. Whatever era, whatever generations, advertising has built and will continue to build brands – right from the Bug to the Nano.

Copyright ©:-Rajita chaudhuri and Planman Media

An Initiative of
IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist)


This year the Golden Globes cancelled its televised awards show due to lack of movie star participation. Early January this year, the Screen Actors Guild announced that 70 actors short-listed for the awards would not attend the ceremony to show their sympathy with scriptwriters, who have been on strike for over two months.If things are not set right and the scriptwriters’ voices are not heard, then next in line of fire would be the Oscars, and none other than the famous and one of Hollywood’s most powerful stars George Clooney is backing this boycott. Scheduled for Feb 24th at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, the award ceremony could well turn out to be a damp squib if the strike by the Writers Guild Association (WGA) continues. The cancellation of the Golden Globes reportedly cost broadcaster NBC $20 million in lost advertising revenue. The question on everyone’s mind is would the strike that hobbled the Globes also cripple the Oscars? Back in India, the 13th Calcutta Film Festival was boycotted by a whole lot of celebrities. A whole lot of other people too gave Nandan (where the festival is held in Kolkata) a miss for Nandigram. It was their way of protesting against the inhuman killings in Nandigram. So, what is it indeed that makes boycotts so popular?

Boycotts have immense persuasive power
Author Bob Burg says “When businesses – even the most powerful ones – offer terrible customer service, mistreat their workers or take unfair advantage of consumers there is a way to influence them to mend their ways.” In fact, boycotts are not new to India. Mahatama Gandhi used them to help him win his war of independence for India. Boycotts have the power to get international attention. They are a non-violent way of protesting against anything going wrong. Whenever people have been pushed to extremes, boycotts have happened. In India, people boycotted the fine cloth produced in Manchester & turned to home-spun cloth. They boycotted salt produced in factories, when the British introduced a new tax and took to collecting salt from seashores. Even today, the power of boycotts cannot be denied. They are red, sometimes more expensive than even diamonds, sometimes referred to as “pigeon blood” and sometimes even responsible for the bloody end of many young people. Rubies from Burma. Critics call them “blood rubies” for they are mined under extremely unsafe conditions where a lot of labourers get killed too. Worst of all, the money is used to fund the harsh policies of the military government. Burmese rubies account for 90% of the world’s supply. Through periodic auctions of its top quality gems, Burma generates a lot of foreign exchange. In 2006, the gems firms generated 300 million dollars in sales. However last November, some big western firms shunned Burmese gems. Italy’s Bulgari, France’s Cartier, and American Jewellers Tiffany & Company and Leber Jeweller Inc. – all have decided to not use rubies from Burma and try to weaken the financial position of the military government there.If that was not enough, a new campaign “I am not going to Burma” was launched to help Aung San Sui Kyi bring back democracy in Burma. Her party won 82% of the seats in the 1990 elections but the Junta regime refused to hand over power and instead imprisoned and tortured members of her party and put her under house arrest. From Tony Blair to a whole lot of other celebrities, everyone joined the Boycott-Burma-campaign, to stop the funds from tourism to fill up the pockets of the brutal Junta government. Politics and business are always closely related and not just tourists, but a whole lot of companies doing business in Burma were convinced and sometimes even forced to close down. “The consumer is the king” could not have been proved more correct and consumer activism never more successful as in the case of lingerie manufacturer Triumph. An advertisement was published, which showed a model wearing a barbed wire bra under which ran the slogan “support breasts not dictators.” Customer complaints started increasing and many women went back to Selfridges (the top-end department store in London) to return their lingerie. Within two months Triumph was out of Burma.

Business of boycotts What’s a boycott?
It’s a way of voting with our wallets. It’s a way of telling organisations or countries or groups to stop their unethical practices if they want the ‘money’ votes. Boycotts are becoming the new weapons in business. NGO’s and activist groups are turning more & more sophisticated in their approach. They are now staging highly dramatic activities. Business leaders are getting concerned about these boycotts, as they are turning into “most effective techniques for the consumer movement to use.” After being boycotted for fishing policies that were harming dolphins, even Heinz agreed to a dolphin protection plan. A leader in the South African market, Barclays Bank gave up its position and pulled out of the country when an anti-apartheid boycott campaign saw its share of the UK student market plummet. Half the students holding accounts with Barclays Bank withdrew their accounts. When Shell Oil Company decided to dispose off an old oil drill rig named Brent Spar by sinking it in the North Sea, it faced a series of boycotts of its petrol stations all over Europe. In spite of being backed by the British government, the company had to eventually abandon its plan. Carpet makers in India, Nepal and Pakistan were singled out by the western press and severely criticised for “employing” children at the cost of their health, education & childhood. It resulted in the creation of “Rugmark” label, which stood for hand-knotted carpets which were not made by employing child labour. Exxon Mobil, one of the world’s largest oil corporations, opposed moves to combat global warming and as a result faced tremendous wrath of the people. The boycott was backed by celebrities like Annie Lennox, Bianca Jagger and Anita Roddick.

Ethics – the vital question
Today, consumers do have the power to bring down businesses to their knees. Today, more than ever before, people can be united easily – thanks to the Internet and free flow of information. People, especially youngsters, are getting more and more informed. It is these customers who initiate most of the boycotts and make them successful. They boycotted Adidas for using Kangaroo skin in the boots. These informed educated people urged everyone to boycott Gap if it did not stop its unethical practices. It accused Starbucks of selling overpriced coffee and not giving back to the farmers who grew the coffee in poor starved countries like Ethiopia their due. It’s these people who are asking for a boycott of Barclays for financing the Narmada Dam in India, which would flood one of India’s most productive agricultural regions and forcibly displace two million people. The consumer is changing. Traditional purchasing behaviour is changing. He is no more looking for just a good bargain, but is concerned about how the product is made too. Ethical consumerism is on the rise and a boycott is his most powerful weapon. It’s easy to organise a unified protest aided by the Internet. Boycotts in the past have changed history forever… and they can do so now as well… maybe even more easily with the help of the virtual army. So business houses need to be careful, for today’s consumer can really hurt their finances, profits, share prices and peace of mind. He has the power to hit where it hurts.

Copyright ©:-Rajita chaudhuri and Planman Media

An Initiative of
IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist)

Little Emperors

All roads lead to Beijing this August. As China gears up to showcase its mettle at the 2008 Olympic Games, marketers are salivating at the thought of how to make hay, while players sweat it out in the sun!

“13” may not be considered a lucky number for some, but July 13, 2001 has turned out to be a lucky date for marketers worldwide. On this day, Beijing celebrated being awarded the 2008 Olympic Games. With the games just round the corner now, both marketers and media are going into frenzy. It is a great moment for China and marketers everywhere. It is also China’s way of showcasing to the world what it really is.

Pride of China
“Olympics-in-Beijing” is a unique combination and is breaking all records. First, China won the bid with flying colours garnering 56 votes, compared to 22 for Toronto, 18 for Paris and 9 for Istanbul. This was possible because of “a combination of good sports concept with complete government support.” For the Chinese, it is one of the “first real reasons for a celebration after many years!” Second, a record number of 54 sponsors have associated themselves with the game, and more are expected to join in. Olympics is the greatest sporting event of the world and this year it is going to be hosted by the largest economy of the world. This could turn out to be the biggest Olympic Games ever. “There are going to be 4.5 billion viewers looking at Beijing & China with amazement,” says Brian Perkins, VP of Johnson & Johnson (J&J), after signing the sponsorship deal for the Beijing Olympics. Come to think of it, J&J never bothered about being an Olympic sponsor before this!Nearly 1.3 billion consumers & GDP growth of 11% last year, China’s economy is red-hot and has marketers salivating at the thought of this opportunity to target China’s huge middle class. Those who had once kept away from the event, are finding it the best place to put their moolah in now.

One Game One Dream
China has coined the logo for the game, “One World One Dream,” which is expected to draw 8,00,000 foreign visitors and one million domestic visitors of Beijing, and also hoards of foreign brands. This is one opportunity nobody wants to miss. GE has already launched an Olympic-themed billboard campaign in China. McDonald’s is using this opportunity to expand its outlets in China from 750 to 1000 units. For Lenovo, the world’s No.3 PC maker, China is its home market and Olympics – a huge opportunity. So its launched a unique limited-edition notebook PC, which would feature its winning design for the Olympic torch. This design of the torch for the Olympics was chosen out of 300 submissions and was a moment of great pride for Lenovo. This was their way of establishing that they were among the best designers – and that too on the world stage. Lu Ning, one of China’s sportswear retailers is planning to open more stores. In fact, the sporting goods market of China is expected to grow by over 23% this year. Adidas expects its China sales to exceed ¤1 billion by 2010. Sintex Industries, the largest plastic manufacturer in India, would be chipping in too. Together with PolyJohn International, they would supply the Beijing Olympics with portable toilets. China happens to be Coke’s fourth largest market and is going berserk this time. When Beijing was awarded the games in 2001, Coca Cola’s Beijing plant came out with 30,000 golden covered bottles which read “Our Congratulations on the Olympics.” It was also the first authorised user of the Beijing Olympics logo. It has even designed a new Coke bottle and logo just for the games, using Chinese design elements like clouds and kites. Not surprising then, that in the increasingly crowded Chinese market where standing out is becoming a problem, Coca-Cola was voted by the Chinese people as the most popular Olympic sponsor of the year.Volkswagen China Group put in $100 million in cash and kind to win the bid in the hotly contested car category. Hyatt and JW Marriott are opening hotels in Beijing. Everybody even remotely connected with the games is flocking to China. A survey done by the US-China Business Council found that 83 of the 100 US firms were profitable last year in China. It pays to come to China, and this time – what a dream destination it will be for companies & customers alike.

Ambush MarketingAdvertising at the Olympics is not going to come cheap. To become an official sponsor or even to advertise on TV you would need deep pockets. China Central Television reportedly has collected $10 billion in biddings for advertising slots during the games. Air China has paid $5 million for one of the top slots (for August). Analysts predict that as much as $5 billion would be spent on advertisements and TV show sponsorships. A study shows that 68% of Chinese sports fans were more likely to buy brands that sponsor the Olympic Games than those that don’t. No wonder deep pockets or not, a whole lot of companies would find innovative ways to ingeniously associate themselves with the event. Nike, not an official sponsor of the game (Adidas is the official sponsor), is an expert in ambush marketing. In 1996, it set up a “Nike Village” just near the Atlanta Olympic Village and with its slogan, “Stone’s throw away” strategically placed around the main stadiums, grabbed the spotlight from Adidas. In 2000 Sydney Olympics, Qantas Airlines used the slogan “The Sprit of Australia,” which sounded similar to the Game’s slogan, “Share the Spirit.” This time Nike used Liu Xiang, one of China’s biggest sports celebrity. When he broke the world record in a competition, Nike made him a T-shirt featuring his 12:88 second time. He wore thes T-shirt as he stepped off the plane when he reached home. Nike is today perceived as the company most associated with Olympics. Li Ning (sports clothing) and Mengniu (dairy products) are two other companies voted as the most popular Olympic sponsors in China. None of them is actually a sponsor! Whether you become the official sponsor of the “Game” or not, whether you have the money to showcase your ad on TV during August when the games will be played, it’s time to get thinking. It’s time for some intelligent marketing & advertising ideas. This time China, once a third world country, is going to stand proudly wearing the Olympic crown, proving to the world that it can give competition to super-powers like USA. It’s going all out to make the most of this opportunity. China will spend $200 billion on the games this year.The Olympics would give a boost of $3 billion to the global advertising world. Some 300 million people would be watching key programmes in China. If there is one country you should be in – it’s China. This is your chance to make a place for your brand in this growing market.Look at it this way, with more than 100 million customers in the age group of 18-28, what better market could companies ask for. It’s the right target audience for a whole lot of companies. So start working on your strategies. Do all you can to attract millions of these young affluent customers – these little emperors!
Copyright ©:-Rajita chaudhuri and Planman Media

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Now, Kingfisher Beer gets ready to fly!

When IIPM comes to education, never compromise

Vijay Mallya -Now, Kingfisher Beer gets ready to fly! the King of Good Times, we all know, has been busy acquiring stakes wherever possible! Well, now it’s his beer’s turn (Kingfisher Beer from Mallya’s United Breweries Limited) to spread its wings far and wide. We hear that by the end of this year, or early next year, one will be able to raise a toast to Kingfisher in France, Finland, Portugal and Canada. The brand is already available in the United Kingdom, where it is distributed by Scottish & Newcastle and sells about 2.5 million cases annually. It is well known that Kingfisher is a big hit in pubs and bars. In countries like France and Portugal, where the club/pubs culture is very strong, the beer brand is expected to make good inroads. In Canada, there is the added incentive of many Indians living there – so Brand Kingfisher is bound to have great recall! One other reason why the brand will be taken overseas in a big way is because as more and more Indians travel abroad, they would like to see more of their brand in other countries. Moreover, with a rapid increase in the number of foreigners coming to India either for business or on holiday (and hop on to a Kingfisher Airlines flight – how’s that for good branding?!), the global audience is also getting familiarized with Kingfisher – and wouldn’t be averse to buying the brand! Finally, with Mallya en route to becoming a name to be reckoned with in the global marketplace, it is only fitting that his beer brand does the rounds all over the world! This is just the beginning of Kingfisher Beer’s success flight!

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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No puffing while parenting pets!


Smoking, No puffing while parenting pets!we knew, has been killing us for many generations. But did you know that second-hand smoke could also kill house pets – dogs, cats and birds? Of course, not many of us seem aware of the fact. Dr. Carolynn MacAllister, a veterinarian with Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service in the United States, conducted a study at School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuft College in Massachusetts, US, in which she found that the incidence of mouth cancer was higher for cats who lived in houses inhabited by smokers. What’s more, second-hand smoke also leads to lymphoma in cats, lung and nasal cancer in dogs (longernosed dogs are more likely to get nasal cancer, while shorter nosed ones would be susceptible to lung cancer) and lung cancer in birds (their respiratory systems are extra sensitive to pollutants in the air). So there comes one more reason why one should kick the habit.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Brands India

Anmol Dar, MD, Super Brands India, believesthat while such quality controversies do affect brand image, said that “Coke & Cadbury are very strong brands and Indian consumers arecomparatively very forgiving. So people forget in the long run. Moreover, the choices are so less as compared to developed nations that these allegation can never stop a consumer from buying that brand permanently,” he points out. Moreover, in the long run the scars disappear, as companies are good at managing customer reactions. “But the time is indecisive. It may take 18 months or years for the scars to be removed,” points out Bijoor. Fully in the know about the Indian consumer’s emotional sensibilities, Nokia is leaving no stone unturned to win him back swiftly. Their slick recall and replacement programme in India has even won quite a few hearts. Says Mahendra Singh Rathod, owner, Nokia Care, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad, “When the company started recalling its defective batteries, I received a lot of inquiries about whether all Nokia phones had this kind of problems.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Serious Concern

In fact, a June 2007 Harris poll survey on food-recalls concluded that 86% of the respondents agreed that food recalls caused them ‘some’ concern, while 29% indicated that they caused ‘serious’ concern. Over 55% respondents said that if the brand they usually buy has a safety or recall issue, they would switch (at least temporarily) to another brand. Of course, the absence of any powerful state or non-governmental consumer right champion like the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the US, only intensifies the ‘destiny’ predicament of consumers in India. Further, even in psychologicalmake-up, the Indian consumer is easily more forgiving than the global one. He is too emotional and gets swayed by an Amitabh Bachchan singing paeans about a particular brand’s worthiness. Cadbury’s master stroke at roping in the Big B for its brand’s catharsis in the face of the damning worm controversy in 2003; as well as Coca Cola’s Aamir Khan act at the height of the pesticide scandal, were actually respective master strokes from the affected companies.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008

The Indian experience

India was never really in the radar of product recalls till a few years ago. The US market records nearly 50 recalls across product and services verticals ev- ery month; In 2006, the UK had a record 92 reported recalls; while FY’07 saw the number of recalls in Australia cross 117. In contrast, the counting in India has only just begun. As globalisation further sinks its teeth in the Indian panorama, the phenomenon will only rise. While the Nokia battery recall may be the first by a consumer electronic recall in the country so far, recent recalls issued by heavyweights such as Cadbury, Honda Siel and Mattel have already exposed the market to the fault lines in the MNC edifice. Atul Ahuja of Bengaloorubased brand consultancy firm, Vertebrand, believes that the consumer in India is plain unaware of product recalls. He blames it on the lack of any consumer rights push in the country, prompting recalls. “If he (Indian consumer) buys a faulty product, he simply blames it on destiny. Honda Siel recalled products in India some time ago, but if it were not a premium product, I doubt that they would have bothered. Similarly, if this battery scare was not global, I doubt if Nokia would have even bothered with the India recall,” he adds. The situation is a far cry from one in the US, where consumers are becoming increasingly disgusted with the growing number of recalls.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

No matter how advanced technology becomes

He says, “Putting a human face to the company serves as the best kind of promotion because it adds high level of authenticity and value.” Little wonder the ad scene is flooded by these white collared management executives today, with almost every third company jumping in to join the party. Adds noted adman K.S. Chakravarthy, “No matter how advanced technology becomes, companies will always need a human touch to run its actvities. And it makes sense to showcase your biggest asset in ads to influence consumers.” He’s seconded by Pratap Suthan, former National Director, Grey Worldwide. “Most organizations are built around individuals and it’s easy to connect with masses with that one common thread i. e. ‘people’,” points out Suthan. So all you ‘people folk’, next time your boss calls you for an impromptu meeting, just check your reflection in the mirror before walking in…. After all, you may just land yourself into the glamourous and frothy world of modelling, shooting, make-up, lights, camera and oodles of action!

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IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Hey! Employees...have you noticed yet?

In an era ruled by the service industry and where ‘people’ are becoming a company’s chief asset, branding through employees is the next big thing that is attracting attention in the communications business. Consider any sector – IT and Technology (HCL), automobiles (General Motors, Maruti), Petrochemicals (Shell), banking (CitiFinancials) or even conglomerates like the Aditya Birla Group, almost every biggie out there is busy demonstrating their precious nest eggs (read employees) to rake in the moolah. Not that the ‘flaunt your employee’ concept in itself is very new or innovative. Ads flashing company employees, as the brand ambassador is an excellent trust building exercise which has been doing the rounds since ages. The colonel of KFC is as famous as the crunchy chicken wings itself. When Pepsi and Maruti were facing challenges in the Indian market, they both roped in their top most honchos to appear in ads and be the voice of the company. What adds credibility to such ads is the believability factor. It’s easy to believe the promise of an MD than the promise made by a well known model who knows zilch about the basis for the promises made by the company and extravagantly reproduces the words put into his mouth by creative honchos. K.V. Sridhar from Leo Burnett sheds more light on the topic.

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IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

You’re on the catwalk!

Hey! Employees...have you noticed yet?
Confident that his boss must have called him in for an emergency meeting (to hand over the baton for the next big overseas project, what else), Steven rushed into the conference hall, with all those performance review papers and balance sheets clutched tightly under his arm, stress lines and tension sweat visible on his forehead. Even as he pushed open the door, revising answers to the routine set of questions for the 100th time, he is greeted instead with blinding flashes of camera and a humdrum of questions. Yes, Steven is getting his next big assignment. Just that it’s not that coveted overseas project that he was hungering for, but is all about being in the limelight and becoming the star employee-face for his company. Steven looks imploringly at his boss to clear the air. The boss obliges by telling him that they planned to flaunt their company’s most valuable asset in the next advertisement and that happens to be “him.” Baffled? Well, here’s bidding adieu to all those glam faces, sports stars and filmi types as brand ambassadors and say a big hello to the model-employees instead.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nike's biggest growth

While revealing the flagship store in Beijing, Nike brand President Charlie Denson said recently, “China is one of Nike’s biggest growth opportunities and one of the most dynamic retail markets in the world… As we head towards Olympics, we are extending our brand leadership, deepening our consumer relationship and building what we expect soon to be a $1 billion business & Nike’s second largest market.” Nike plans nearly 300 stores across the length and breadth of the country. Undoubtedly Nike, just like any other global conglomerate, finds itself in a dilemma in China. With high growth and profitability potential, China offers what no country does better: business. Therefore be it intellectual property infringement or unlawful copying, Nike really has to take it all in its stride. After all, you cannot survive in the dragon’s lair if you don’t know how to play with fire!

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

Damned if you do...

The UN can help make the world green Nike cannot afford to give up on China
The world’s leading sporting & apparel brand, Nike, has reportedly accused French retailer Auchan and two Chinese firms, Jinjiang Kangwei & Jinjiang Longzhibu shoes, for illegally infringing on intellectual property. The aforementioned companies allegedly used the ‘jumpman’ logo which shows a silhouette of basketball legend Michael Jordan. Nike has asked for an apology and a sum of one million Yuan in damages. On a macro level, China has had an unsatisfactory record when it comes to the safety of intellectual property. Companies operating in diverse sectors often find themselves in infringement cleft sticks. But China has been an important market for Nike. The company’s persistent performance has been widely related to this very market. Revenues for the fiscal year ending May 2007 have been an encouraging $16.3 billion, almost 9% more than last year. And China is one of the largest contributors to these statistics.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

Commenting on the project, Tom Crane, Senior VP, Communications, Skanska stated, “Primarily, we are planning to drastically reduce energy consumption in the renovated building complex by at least 30%, possibly more. We will achieve that by combining state-of-the-art technology for heating, air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, plumbing, controls, and above all a highly energy efficient building envelope.” The target for now is the LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Silver rating, a rating system established by the US Green Building Council. In its role as an advocacy organisation, UN has thus made a giant leap into the green brigade. One could argue that UN is late in taking this step. But while the US has long woken up to perils of global warming, the world at large remains unconcerned. And if UN really wants to, it can play a role in taking this green consciousness far beyond the realms of the Big Apple.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Housing Finance Business

To begin with, the housing finance business – the forte of the institution – with cumulative disbursements worth Rs.1,192.81 billion by the end of 2006-07, continues to boast of a robust balance sheet. The asset quality of the bank remains stupendously healthy with gross Non-Performing Loans standing at 1.26% of the total disbursed loans (as on December 31, 2006). Truly, all these achievements are there because over a period of time, the name HDFC has assumed a broader meaning in the mind of the Indian consumer. As Renu Sud Karnad, Executive Director, HDFC Ltd. proudly explains to 4Ps B&M, “It has been an effort of 30 years that went on to build the brand HDFC and currently we are enjoying the fruits of those efforts. Honesty, integrity and service are the three important pillars of the brand HDFC.” Her words seem to have jumped right out of a mission statement manual. But in reality – and here’s the bad news – something seems to have taken a toll on the institution as market shares have started declining.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Fight Tooth and Nail

You have everything that it takes to fight tooth and nail to get what you want, you’re a case study of strength, endurance and perseverance, and yet, after innumerable number of years, and innumerably more strategic manoeuvres, you still lag much behind the undoubtedly market leader (in AMD’s case, Intel). Here we come to one of the biggest paradoxes of the Indian business world – the behemoth called HDFC. A look at HDFC and its businesses and one will find that it’s wearing the same badge of having everything that it takes to be a leader, but still falling short, still failing to be considered the un-challengeable leader, the numero uno! And that’s what we decided to investigate. What is it really that’s holding HDFC high and yet back? Why is HDFC, despite years of cutting edge progress, still not considered the true leader of the industries in which its group businesses operate? Is HDFC simply resigned to its fate? But first the good news.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative


It’s playing by its own rules. If they choose to join the rat race, they will not only stand a chance to better themselves but also to better everyone else in the business... But the big question is,will they even join the race?

South Africa, England, Rafael Nadal, Toyota...! Shoot, what’s common between all of them and sports? The answer is actually quite easy; so dig this – Everyone knows about the professionalism of South Africa in cricket, the star power of the English soccer team, the force called Nadal in a tennis court and the brilliance on four wheels of Toyota. But the fact is that if one wanted to know the definition of what is a nano millimetre, perhaps no one else would be able to describe that better than these entities, as for them, that millimeter has been the difference between being a thundering success and an also-ran. Consider this – despite being considered favourites, South Africa has never won the cricket World Cup; despite being home to one of the most successful domestic soccer leagues and having a galaxy of stars, the English soccer team has never shone at the top since 1966; Rafael Nadal, despite being the most promising player, almost always hits a wall called Roger Federer at Wimbledon; and Toyota, despite being the largest automobile manufacturer in the world, is yet to win even one Grand Prix in Formula One. Cut to the business world; and it’s called the AMD Syndrome.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cartoon characters as ‘bad food’ endorsers

What happens when kids see Shrek plastered on packs of Kellogg’s Frosties? Or, what about a nice, cute penguin from the hit film Happy Feet strutting on a pack of high-sugar (therefore unhealthy) chocolate flavoured Weetos? Kids are likely to want to ‘consume’ more of these kinds of foods – that are not exactly very healthy. Which?, the UK-based magazine that engages in advocacy campaigns on various consumer protection issues has come out with a report called the Cartoon Heroes and Villains report. According to a Guardian report, “Three-quarters of parents interviewed by Which? said they thought it was irresponsible for companies to feature cartoon characters on unhealthy foods and wanted the practice to be stopped.” The paper also quotes the chief policy adviser of Which? as saying, “Our research shows that the majority are being used to encourage children to eat fatty, sugary and salty foods. We are calling on companies to follow the example of Warner Bros and Disney, and no longer use cartoons to promote unhealthy foods.” Will affirmative action be taken by the companies -- and those that own the characters – be taken? Watch this space!

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Silvery splendour

At times metals like silver can also outshine the invaluable gold and diamonds, and these exquisite pieces are a perfect example. Adarsh Gill’s designs on sterling silver home-ware and furniture is a collection deeply reminiscent of the laid back days of the Raj, especially due to their delicate and intricate craftsmanship. Decorate your living room with this splendid collection tagged at above Rs.1,00,000.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Scaling heights beyond the blue sky and making it to the top 100
‘Your palace in the sky’ – Air India! Reaching high in the sky was not easy for an Indian planning to go abroad without India’s first international airline – Air India. It acted as a stepping stone for many other international airlines that came quite later in the nation. The ever-smiling Maharajah, the popular mascot of the airline, communicates impressively the endearing symbol of Indian hospitality and has been the most successful brand icon of all the times. According to Veera Khambatta, Dy. Commercial Manager, Advertising and Special Promotions: “This is our 75th year of operation as the flag carrier of our nation, most of it as an international airline, we are justifiably proud of the long and glorious history of brand Air India.” Furthermore, Air India has been adorned with the Best International West Bound Airline out of India for the second consecutive year by Galileo Express Travel Awards 2006. The Special Category Award recognises the most significant CSR initiative taken by an organisation. The recent merger of Air India with Indian Airlines was a strategic move to create an internationally competitive carrier. In the process, the airline also got a much-needed facelift and brand equity of the merged entity soared!

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Read More:-The Sunday Indian - Greatest News weekly

Monday, June 09, 2008


HPCL continues to be an exception but seems to be losing its grip ...
The cooking gas industry in India continues to be plagued by shortages, delays, poor services and sloppily run by state-owned firms. Amidst all these Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is a brand that stands as an true exception. A Fortune 500 company and India’s second largest oil refiner and distributor, it stands out asan efficient example. The corporation over the years has changed a lot and to customers, the most visible proof of HPCL’s new face is the spruced-up gas stations with convenience stores on their premises, mini supermarkets stocked with an array of goods and equipped with internet kiosks. It has successfully built a profitable non-fuel business through a wide range of value-added facilities, including ATMs, take-away food counters and vehicle accessories among others. HPCL was among the first in the country to introduce a co branded card (HPCL and ICICI) and had even roped in tennis sensation Sania Mirza to endorse an otherwise serious product. To build a retail brand HPCL has even introduced exclusive mobile laboratories and retail automation at select outlets. Yet, intense competition with BPCL and IOC in branded petrol segment, has somehow taken the sheen off HPCL’s face, as BPCL’s ‘Speed’ has walked away with a major market share in the category. Adding to its woes are the new private players in the category. Is Reliance all ears?

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Friday, June 06, 2008


In India, amidst most successful apparel brands, Madura Garments stands tall
First things first! Madura Garments is the market leader in Branded Apparel in India. Some of the famous brands that come under the umbrella of this company include Louis Philippe, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, SF Jeans and Peter England – all of which have achieved considerable success in their segments. In recent times, the company was instrumental in launching the international brand “Esprit” in India. They are also planning to bring Giorgio Armani to Indian shores. Over the last year, the company undertook an initiative to move from being a ‘wardrobe brand’ to a ‘lifestyle brand’. In line with this strategy, they have forayed into footwear and men’s innerwear for brands like Van Heusen, Peter England, Louis Philippe and Allen Solly (which also offers women’s wear). They have extended two of their brands – Peter England and Allen Solly into jeans wear, besides launching a range of‘ Luxury Linen’ semi-formal wear under Louis Philippe. Moreover, the company has grown at astaggering 20% in recent years and has clocked a revenue figure of Rs.650 crores (FY07). Sufficient to put them in our list!

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Read More:-The Sunday Indian - Greatest News weekly

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Let vigour and vitality prevail!
Brand Bournvita has survived the onslaught of myriad next generation nourishment products over the years. Needless to say, the brand acquired a life of its own and became so powerful that growing-kids have almost become synonymous with it. In fact, the Cadbury Bournvita Quiz Contest, which went on-air in April 1972, is India’s longest running national school quiz contest. With a lineage like that in the country, small wonder that the brown energy drink continues to be immensely popular, despite stiff competition from Horlicks in the category. By far one of the most successful products of Cadbury in the county, Bournvita, can easily make it to the list of one the most trusted brands in India. Consequently, the brand has jumped to better its last years ranking of 87 and find a place at 79 amongst the list of India’s 100 most valuable brands. Once positioned as a child care drink, Bournvita changed tack with changing market dynamics and Cadbury has now positioned it as an everyday energy drink for hard working and active people. Established as a ‘chocolate drink’, Bournvita is more popular among children and young adults (prospective target audiences). Competition in the form of GSK Horlicks as well as Boost have been able to take some market share away from the product, however Bournvita still enjoys a niche in the milk beverage market.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Read More:-The Sunday Indian - Greatest News weekly

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


• Airtel
• Pepsi
• Hutch
Operators might be able to woo the market with stunning commercials, promising connectivity wherever we go;but can they fool consumers who hear “the number is not reachable!” so frequently? And what’s so new from brands like Airtel and Hutch? Well, for the uninitiated, 3G is still a dream far far away for Indians! Then there’s Pepsi who despite its controversial pesticide debacle has managed to sell volumes, not to forget its gargantuan spending on advertising. Hyped? You might ask. And our answer remains solid as the listing – Yes, hyped!

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008