Thursday, November 15, 2012


Aren’t four months a tad too little to turnaround a troubled company drenched with losses?

Under him, the $6.7 billion government and corp. comm. divisions have grown by a CAGR of 10% and its profitability too has doubled. Furthermore, he successfully led the acquisition of Symbol Technologies for $3.9 billion – the second-largest deal in the history of Motorola! Greg also turned around the automotive unit & consequently led its sell off for $1 billion to Continental.

Surely, Moto’s handset division can be given to a new leader, but Brown’s leadership for the other division is necessary. Even Jack Gold, J. Gold Associates agrees, “A new leader is required to run the newly-formed handset division. It must bring in new blood to stir things up and get the innovation cycle moving again...” Surely, Motorola has decided it must reorganise itself, and part of this process must be a top-down review of its total business game. Kagan, too, agrees on the same as he says, “I think Motorola can recover with the right CEO and the right attitude. I think that with the right leadership, they can recover and do well.” Brown’s previous tenure as a CEO at Micromuse saw him increase revenue by a teeth-rattling 809% to over $200 million, which critics should not overlook! Especially when experts like John Thompson, Vice Chairman, Heidrick & Struggles, too have generously tagged him as “highly talented’ and that he “has the personal bandwidth to be CEO of a Fortune 50 company.” As far as the split is concerned, Greg will surely lose control over the handset division; but then given a choice, he too would have chosen ‘quality’ work over ‘quantity’ work. Well, nothing wrong in giving up what you can’t handle.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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