Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My MBA education complements my marketing responsibilities...

Jitin Prasada, CMD, PI Indisutries Ltd. & Union Minister of State for Petroleum & Natural Gas

B&E: Lawyers have dominated Indian national politics since the days of India’s struggle for independence. However, today, the new council of ministers has many MBA-qualified leaders. Is there a cultural shift occuring?

Jitin Prasada (JP): I would like to see this in a different way. For those entrusted with responsibility through electoral politics, a good educational background always helps, whether it is a law degree, a management degree or some other qualification. You would recall that not too long ago, most government heads in Latin America were alumni of Ivy League Institutes of the United States. But at the same time, in a democratic set-up of governance like ours, the real education comes from working amidst the people by seeking to understand their concerns and trying to provide solutions acceptable to them.

B&E: The MBA degree is thought to be one of the most prestigious and coveted in the world. Does it add value to your political career as well?

JP: I have already mentioned that a good education always helps. To take conscious and judicious decisions, an admixture of proper education and a sense of ground-reality is always helpful...

B&E: An instance from your life which proves the same...

JP: During my stint as Minister of State for Steel, a conscious decision was taken to launch projects of Steel Processing Units in the backward rural areas of the country, where the raw material linkages were unavailable. The idea was to invigorate the rural economy, so that such projects act as multipliers to catalyse economic activities in these areas. Also, recently we launched the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitrak Yojana’ again, with the objective of taking the cleaner fuel to the rural areas. Furtheron, my MBA education complements my marketing responsibilities for the OMCs that I have today. We have been striving hard to attain maximum customer satisfaction through new initiatives like SMS LPG booking, Smart Card project for kerosene oil etc. We propose to increase LPG coverage from the present 50% of the population to 75%, mainly targeted at rural dwellers...
For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2009

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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