Friday, February 12, 2010

Human influence on global temperature

Something similar had happened during the lead-up to the publication of the Second Assessment Report of the IPCC in 1995. On that occasion, the final draft submitted by the scientists had stated plainly, in five different places, that no human influence on global temperature at all could be detected, and it was not known when it ever would be detected.

Once again, the bureaucrats had panicked. They had realised that if, after all the millions of dollars they had spent over the years, there was still no evidence that humankind was making the slightest difference to the climate, taxpayers might not continue to subsidise their lavish quarterly junkets to exotic locations all round the world.

So they had called in a single scientist and told him to change the central conclusion of the 1995 report. He had carefully crossed out all five of the embarrassing (but true) references to the total absence of any anthropogenic signal in the global temperature record, and had replaced them with a single, more congenial (but mendacious) statement that human influence on global temperature was now discernible. He also made some 200 consequential amendments, not one of which – as far as I can discover – was sent to the thousands of scientists who had contributed to the report whose central conclusion he had now reversed.

Last year, I wanted to attend the “scoping meeting” at which scientists were going to draw up plans for the Fifth Assessment Report. I duly registered, and was peremptorily told by the convener of the meeting that I would not be welcome because – it seemed plain to me – my opinions did not accord with those of the IPCC. So much for the “open, transparent” process that Dr Pachauri used to be so fond of.

Whatever this carry-on is, it is not science.

There is no longer any credible basis for taking the IPCC seriously. It is a joke, and a failed joke. Its massive cost cannot be justified. It must be disbanded at once, and its leading bureaucrats investigated for what looks to me like scientific fraud.

In fact, it is now time to shut down the entire climate-change industry, prosecute all environmental groups, scientists, bureaucrats and bankers who have been profiting at the people’s expense by the Great Lie that was “global warming”, and to abolish the IPCC forever. It should never have been established in the first place. Now it must be put out of its misery. Enough is enough.
For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2009

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

Read these article :-

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