Friday, March 12, 2010

A school student in Guwahati attempts suicide

In the rat race that the schooling system seems to have become part of, where competition – an ‘ethic’ that they now inculcate in hapless students – is often all, the callous attitude that schools and colleges can display in such situations can be shocking. “The school principal never bothered to meet our daughter in hospital,” says Sachindra Das, Nabanita’s father. “My daughter was punished because of speaking in Assamese, her mother tongue, that too outside the classroom.” According to him, Nabanita who had hidden herself in the toilet before the school assembly thought she should run away before having to face her teacher and thus jumped off the balcony. Attempted suicide or attempted getaway, either way the fear factor in Nabanita’s life that morning must have been overwhelming. “The principal even claimed he did not know about the incident till two days after it occurred,” says Nabanita's father.

The East and the West, meanwhile, continue to clash in India. In Guwahati, college after college has turned to making their students wear uniforms, taking away the privilege – and fun – of students wearing the outfit of the day rather than a uniform once in college, something that previous generations would look forward to. The reason seems simple: even institutions such as Handique Girls College, a 70-year-old establishment has not been able to grapple with the new-age Internet-mobile generation. One way to attempt to rein in their new generation girls: make them wear uniform, a move that has spread to just about every college in the city, barring perhaps Cotton College, the century-old premier institution where students reportedly resisted such a move. In many other places in the country the cultural clash costs lives: teachers at a Mumbai polytechnic discovered that one of their brightest students hanged herself after being pressured to get married by her parents.
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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2009

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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