Thursday, January 14, 2010

Obama’s election

Whenever America finds itself in moral dilemma, it tries to absolve itself in whatever ways. As it ceded ground and reputation in the last decade, it tried to amend by selecting a Black as its president. Obama’s election as America’s president is no less than a fairy tale. In fact, for many, the excitement of the 2008 presidential election was about witnessing a moment that people would one day read about in history books. And that is what happened. A campaign that was as bitter as conservatives could have made finally saw Obama, a political novice of sorts, outflanking an ex-First Lady, a war veteran and a gun-wielding female governor. However, on the other hand, despite Obama’s election, little has changed among the fundamentals of the racial order and neither has there been any substantial shift in US’s big-brother policies.

For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2009

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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